Events & Exhibitions
Dates & Times
8 - 17 Jan 2015
10pm - 5pm
Private View
Thursday 8 Jan 2014
6pm - 9pm
The Mall Galleries
The Mall, St. James's, London SW1, UK
Entry Cost
£5 including catalogue
25th Designer Crafts at the Mall 2015
As newly appointed Licentiate Member, Tori is invited to show her designs with the SDC.

Having had her work spotted by the Society of Designer Craftsmen at New Designers, Tori was invited to become a Licentiate member of the Society and to showcase her designs at the 25th Designer Crafts Exhibition.
Craftsmanship has long been an integral part of British culture. Founded in 1887 as the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society, The Society of Designer Craftsmen, has is hosting its annual Designer Crafts Exhibition and famous 'Shop within the Show' at the Mall Galleries in London.
The exhibition includes selected work by celebrated and experienced Fellows, Members and Licentiates of the Society, alongside that of recent, selected new graduate Licentiates; making for a stimulating and exciting exhibition.
The works on show include ceramics, furniture, jewellery, glass, metal, mixed media paper and book arts and textiles. The Shop Within the Show also has work by Fellows, Members and Licentiates and gives visitors the opportunity to buy an affordable piece of designer made work to take away immediately.